Over a dozen CERT members managed parking and traffic for Liquid Church Nite 2 Shine Prom.

Ice Rescue Training hosted by FD#2...Teamwork!

Thanks to our sister organization, Parsippany Neighborhood Watch, for inviting us to present about Emergency Management, Disaters and How to Prepare and our CERT program. If you missed it , an encore performance on April 15th at the Library.

Great stop by Fire D6 D5 D4 D3 and a dozen mutual aid companies.
OEM Drone team flew the fire line and identified hot spots.

2024 Turkey POD = County College of Morris
A dozen CERT members braved the snow to hand out 500 Turkeys

Police requested a drone search for a missing person in a wooded area at 10:30PM. CERT / RACES drone team volunteers responded with negative results. The person was found safe the next morning.

Welcome Fall Class 2024 - 18 in total. Kudos to Mark & Lainie,
and our partners in Denville and Hanover.

BIG THANKS to the crews that came out Saturday for the Trunk N Treat
and Sunday for the Breast Cancer Walk.
Lainie mustering the troops

Mike slapping the bracelets and Kari passing out the Candy

Up and out at 6AM for a 11 hour training day with other CERT teams from across the state. At the CERT workshop in Ocean County with NJOEM, FEMA and OHSP. OHSP gave a lecture on target hardening and keeping a look out for suspicious activity. Surprisingly, they featured a picture of our Parsippany CERT team.

Another weekend. Another fund raising run – the SAX 4 miler benefiting St Joseph’s Children’s Hospital. 4 OEM CERT units helped PD close the roads on the race course. Thanks Jay, Rich, Sam and Kari.

Overhead view from our Eye in the Sky , Mavic Drone. Thanks Mike, Mark & Sam.

550 cars and 1400 backpacks for Table of Hope POD at County College Morris

CERT WORKSHOP - Sunday 9/29 All Day
Ocean County - -Must sign up on County website. Registration is open.

A dry line cold front blew through town knocking down the heat, but also trees. 3 CERT teams manned road closures until 2:30 in the morning. Thanks Lonnie, Jan, and Jay.
Gusty thunderstorms tore down trees and wires causing power outages. A dozen CERT / RACES volunteers manned our Emergency Operations Center and assisted Police in closing roads until 2AM, along with our partners in FIRE and RESCUE. THANKS TO ALL WHO CAME OUT!

Field Day 2024 – Contacted 180 stations across the country and Canada. We even reached 2 stations in Hawaii, all from Johnson beach in Lake Parsippany.


ALWAYS PREPARING - - especially after yesterdays earthquake, we do it year round. Today’s crew installed a Litebox in the Traffic truck, over the air digital TV antenna in the Command Bus, fixed flat tires on a generator, and even had time to clean some windows. Thanks all….

CERT & the EOC Webinar

Parsippany-Troy Hills RACES (K2PTH) participating in Winter Field Day 2024.

December 28,2023 Flooding - Vail Road
December 18 floods - Vail and New Rds


School Backpack give-away -1400- for Table of Hope

Training Day with Rescue & Recovery

Keep safe on the Highways and Biways

Big Night at the Fireworks

Got to have fun at one of the bag check entrances. Rich's selfie watching Alex, Karen and Dan helping Police check bags. Over 6000 folks came through this checkpoint. About 11,000 for the night. Great work for the 24 person TEAM.
More flooding

Earle Hofker retires - THANK-YOU for starting CERT.

Memorial Day 2023
The usual Rainbow Lakes Parade and Ceremony - and the town Parade -
CERT patroling and handing out Preparedness booklets. RACES handling Comms.

Watching them run in the rain - raised like $600,000

Earth Day at the Reservoir
Always HOPEfull

River Survey - Drone Team 4-10-2023

1st Responders Benefit - Thanks Lions Club

Food - Glorious - Food #119
And COFFEE for the gang - every Friday Food Distribution at Liquid Church
Thanks to NJOEM for 2 AED's, Tourniquets and clot

Year end meeting

Always Training

In this Group - Mark, Mike, Dinesh, Jo, Dan, & Eric
Over 1000 Turkey Dinners on a cold and windy day.

Trunk N Treat
Great turnout! Handing out 2000 lollipops and candy to the kids. Flyng the drone and, not seen, had 4 trucks patrolling neighborhoods

Barry Schaeffer -RIP
Thank you for over 50 years of service to
Parsippany Emergency Management as a RACES Ham Radio operator.
Back 2 School
The Eagle has landed!
the new tethered drone system - landing - - yes it is connected to
the box on the ground - bringing up power for continuous flight
To see what CERT training covers and what CERT can do!
Welcome new graduates - Spring 2020

R. Lee Keimel RIP 5/14/2022

Thanks to Lonnie and Jay for answering the call onThursday night.
THANKS Mountain Lake Police for the excellent instruction.

Closing in on 2 years of weekly Food POD. Thanks to liquid Church
we can pack indoors on this chilly morning.
Celebrating 90 years

Annual Holiday meeting
Mayor Awards for Food Distribution Crew - nearly 2 years now

Holiday turkey meals in Morristown

Cleaned, repaired, Tarped and put away for the next time.
Thanks Mike Z. Jesse, Chris, Jay & Eric.

Weekly Food Distribution
ongoing now for over 1-1/2 years due to COVID
Never Forget

Tropical Storm IDA -flash flooding
Deployed 6 trucks overnight to assist in road closures.

RT 10 / 202 Road closure - wires down
Thanks for responding - Brian, Lainie, Jesse, Jay 7/21/2021 3 hrs

Tropical Storm Elsa
Assisted Police with road closures for flooding and downed trees.
THANKS Lonnie, Jay , Mike Z, Lainie and Brian

Field Day 2021

Food Drive - Hard Hat

Split rock Ham FEST

Earth Day Clean-up

Governor Murphy's Eulogy for Claus
Saying goodbye to our good friend --- Rest in Peace
11 January 2021

Continuing with the new radio dispatch console installations in the EOC for the new Radio system and Drone team flying at Jannarone. Good work team!

NICE Recognition for the team

CERT delivered 500 of these signs in 3 days - -well done- -

Morris County Awards CERT member Joe Chandra
for his help at COVID Testing sites




I wanted to personally thank our volunteers who continue to answer storm related calls since Tuesday. We are still actively staffing shifts to fill the townships needs as we restore power. Since Tuesday we have answered over 120 calls for various incidents, mostly emergency power and fueling. This takes tremendous coordination, communication and dedication. I also would like to thank our mutual aid volunteer partners along with all of the departments within the township who have assisted us.
Special thanks to Parsippany OEM/CERT members who have been riding along with us.
Our telecommunications at the county and town level have been extraordinary. I thank you. Again, thank you to our members who have logged hundreds of hours and sleepless nights to better serve our residents. It is quite impressive. Hope all are well and keep up the good work. -Chief LY ~when in doubt call car 69 out~
Paving the way back - -
The NEW look of training with Mountain Lakes CERT team. Thanks to Chief Bennett and former Morristown Chief Pete Demnitz on dealing with civil disobedience and protests.
Food Drive

FIELD DAY 2020 - Jannarone Park

Pradip Trevidi

FLASHBACK October 2006

Year end celebration (more pix in gallery)

Mountain Lakes Turkey Trot 5K

Pancreatic 5K -

New Cert Members- Fall Training Class
Congratulations to the newest CERT members from Parsippany,
Denville, & Mt Arlington.

Inaugural National Night Out

Flavors of India Festival
Thanks John, Claus , Al, Sam, Pradip

Field Day and Cert Rodeo

Annual Field Day visit from Council members Gragnani and dePierro

State CERT Coordinator Meredith and Eric
Kiwanis Touch a Truck

Finally - New 672 in service

Lake Parsippany Day

Spring 2019 CERT Training class
Celebrating Volunteer week by graduating 18 new CERT members
THANKS CERT TEAM Leader John Domanico -Class Coordinator
"Until Help Arrives" FEMA class
Another Traffic assist for PD - during snow - sleet - ice storm
Closing New Road with our new barricades using Traffic 676 and Rescue 674
Thanks Lonnie - Jay and Eric

Closing Vail Rd Bridge for Flooding
Brian , Lonnie, Tom & Eric deploying barricades

RACES help out Boy Scout Klondike




With FBI, Homeland Security, 5 Units from NYC, Suffolk, Nassau, Westchester, Rockland, Orange , Union, Warren, Passaic, Morris Counties and NY and NJ State Police Command and Communicatons

FEMA training


Police Chief and OEM Coordinator Paul Phillips retired today after 38 years of service, 5 years as the OEM coordinator. Thank you Chief!
